Next Service: Sunday 23rd February @ 11:00am

Bo'ness Baptist News

This week at Bo’ness Baptist Church (3rd May) 03 May 2020

Although our church services and activities remain suspended until further notice, we are still praying and keeping in touch with each other by phone, on-line etc. At this difficult time,… more

This month at Bo’ness Baptist Church (1st May) 01 May 2020

Due to the ongoing health issues with Coronavirus and following guidance from The NHS, the Baptist Union Scotland and the Government it has been decided by the church leadership that all our… more

Update on Activities due to Corona Virus 06 Apr 2020

Due to ongoing health issues with Corona Virus, it has been decided by the church leadership and activity leaders that Mums & Tots along with Energize childrens club, will continue… more

Dates For Your Diary (6th April) 09 Mar 2020

Monday 6th April: We have our new venture “Top Toes” between 1.30pm and 3.30pm in our adjacent building. This is in partnership with Community Voluntary Service Falkirk. We are providing… more

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