Next Service: Sunday 23rd February @ 11:00am

Bo'ness Baptist News

This Week at Bo’ness Baptist Church (14th April 24) 14 Apr 2024

We are pleased to continue our Sunday morning service (starting at 11am) in the church and our evening service (starting at 6.30pm) also in the church. Anyone wishing to attend any of our services will be made most welcome. Our Tuesday night Bible study / Prayer time is being held every week in the church, starting at 7.30pm. If you would like to join us or have any questions about anything we do, please call 07895410167 or 07504312290 or email us at Our Mother and Toddlers start at 10am on Tuesday mornings. They restart on Tuesday 16th April. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please call either Lillias - 07870110632 or Sandra - 01506 510594. Our next Coffee, Cake & Chat date is still to be finalised. Everybody is welcome. Our other activities remain on hold at present.