This Month at Bo’ness Baptist Church (1st March 24) 01 Mar 2024
We are pleased to continue our Sunday morning service (starting at 11am) in the church and our evening service (starting at 6.30pm) also in the church. Anyone wishing to attend any of our services will be made most welcome. Our Tuesday night Bible Study / Prayer time is being held on zoom for January, February, March and starts at 7.30pm. Anyone wishing to join us will be made most welcome. If you would like to join us or have any questions about doing so, please call either 07895410167 or 07504312290 or email us at Parents & Toddlers continue each Tuesday morning at 10am (during school term). If you have any questions on attending, please contact us or see our Facebook page. The next Coffee Cake & Chat is being held on Monday 25th March at 2pm. Everyone is welcome. Energize Childrens Club remains on hold at the moment. We will keep you updated with any more changes.